Entering a new church for the first time can be daunting, but we don’t want that to be the case when you first visit Beacon. Check out the next steps below that you can take as you begin (or continue) your spiritual journey!

Sunday Morning Worship @9:30am
Sunday Worship is a special time we set apart on Sunday to connect with God as a community. Our lives can get so busy sometimes, and Sundays mark a day in our calendar where we can come together and focus on God and refreshing ourselves in His Presence. Our services typically involve singing songs of praise (don’t worry – you don’t have to sing if you don’t want to!) praying, listening to a message that helps us apply God’s Word to our lives and having a chat with others during Morning Tea. We also have a Kids’ Program called “Connect Kids” that runs during school term, and a Parent’s Room equipped with comfy couches and a nappy change table.
Our Services are at: Beacon Community, 34a Workshops Street, Brassall

Connecting into our Community
There are a number of ways to connect into our church community:
Exploring the Faith: If you’re exploring who Jesus is and what it means to be a Christian, our Pastoral Team would love to chat with you further. Please reach out to us at: https://beacon.org.au/contact-us/
Newcomer Lunches: Typically on a Sunday after church, these are great opportunities to meet other newcomers, the Pastoral Team and the Leadership. You also get a free lunch prepared by skilled hands:) Check out our Events page for the next Newcomer Lunch at: https://beacon.org.au/events/
Small Groups: As the name suggests, these are small groups of people who do life together and explore who God is and what it means to follow Him. Contact our Pastoral Team for more information: https://beacon.org.au/contact-us/
Ministries: We have a variety of ministries who meet together regularly over a shared purpose and activity: Women’s Craft Group, Menshed, Young Adults, Fun @ Heart Seniors Group and others. Contact us via https://beacon.org.au/contact-us/ for more information.

The Next Step in Your Faith Journey
Everybody is on a journey of faith, and we encourage you to explore who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him in our church community. Baptism is a special and symbolic act of obedience and commitment that people make when they have accepted Jesus as the Lord of their life and their personal Saviour. It’s also a time of celebration in our church community. Anyone who has made a faith decision to follow Jesus and is old enough to understand and grasp the significance of Jesus’ call on their life can be baptised. If you are interested in taking this next step, we invite you to come and talk to one of our Pastors.

Working Together and Serving Others
We believe that volunteering our time to care for others and build up our community and the wider community is an important part of our faith journey. We also believe that God has given everyone unique gifts and skills that are valuable and can help others in a variety of ways. For example, if you’re a friendly person whose handy in the kitchen or loves to make people feel welcome, it sounds like you’d be ideal on our Hospitality Team. There are a number of ways to serve at Beacon, and our ministry areas are diverse and cover care for all ages, crisis relief, and practical/technical support (such as Sound, etc). Our Pastoral Team would be more than happy to talk to you about what you’re interested in, and how you can help us be the community of God.

Partnering with us to Make a Difference
Being a part of a church community is more than just attending on Sunday. It’s about committing to a purpose of sharing Jesus’ love with the world through a local church, and working together within that church to help people grow and reach their full potential as God’s children. When you become a member of Beacon Community, you are partnering with us in this mission and helping us through using your gifts and resources as the Holy Spirit works through you. As such, members are people who have first made a commitment to Jesus, and have been baptised as a statement of their faith. We recommend that you come and settle into the life of our church first, however if you feel ready to take this next step, please reach out to one of the Pastoral Team.